Voltaire's Diary... Yeah!

15 April 2015

A Day at the Baguio City Public Market

The Baguio City Public Market is the busiest area in the city. Trading activities in the market never ceases -- no day-off, no holidays. Here in this market will you find people from all walks of life. I personally enjoy talking to vendors if I'm not rushing. You will love to hear their life stories.

The market has everything you need. It is organized per area depending on what type of goods being sold.

Vegetable Section of the Baguio City Public Market

general merchandise section, baguio city public market
  General Merchandise Section of the Baguio City Public Market

meat section, baguio city public market
 Meat Section of the Baguio City Public Market

fish section, baguio city public market
Fish Section of the Baguio City Public Market

And whenever you need a quick fix for your gastronomic demands, VOILA!

 Eateries and Snack Kiosks at the Baguio City Public Market

You can also find the best buy for clothing from surplus stores, or locally called wagwagan or ukay-ukay.

wagwagan ukay-ukay stores, baguio city public market
Cheap but quality clothing from wagwagan or ukay-ukay shops

Don't miss visiting the market if you're going to Baguio. Just be mindful of your personal belongings especially in crowded areas. Apply vigilance and you'll never go wrong.

Have a safe and enjoyable Baguio trip!

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